Michael Cadiux
PO Box 1263
Bisbee, Arizona
email: m.cadieux



 1958- 1962    BA Fine Arts, University of Montana, Missoula, MT


1962 – 1964   MA, Painting, University of Montana, Missoula, MT



Selected Grants & Awards


 1988, 1983    Andrew Mellon Faculty Enrichment Grant


 1983              Artist Fellowship Dorland Mountain Colony, Temecula, CA


 1975              Outstanding Educator of America Award


 1971              Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education
                       Documentation Grant,  "Peripheral Artists in the United States"


 1970              United States Office of Education Study Grant in India


 1967              Purchase Award, 2nd Southwestern Invitational, Yuma,  AZ


 1967              Outstanding Educator Award


 1964              Graduate Assistantship, University of Montana, Missoula, MT



 Selected Exhibitions


2008              New Works       Central School Project, Bisbee, AZ   


2004            Solo Show       Central School Project, Bisbee, AZ             


2003             Guardians, Myths, and Legends   Tang Gallery, Bisbee, AZ


2001             1st Annual Watercolor Missouri National
                     Winston Churchill Memorial and Library, Fulton, MO


2000            Roots: Environmental Issues of Interconnectedness - 2nd Prize

                    Gallery of Contemporary and Indigenous Art, Tucson, AZ


1998             Taos National Exhibition of American Watercolor IV 3rd Prize

                     Van Vechten- Lineberry Taos Art Museum, Taos, NM


1997              U.S. National Society of Watercolor Painting, Springfield

                      Museum of Art, Springfield, Mo.



1996          Watercolor USA, Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO


1996          Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition, 2nd Prize

                  Foothills Art Center, Golden CO


1996           Watercolor USA Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO 2nd Prize



1995           U.S. National Society of Watercolor Painting, Knoxville Art

                   Museum, Knoxville, TN


1994           Watercolor USA Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO - 3rd Prize



1993           U.S. National Society of Watercolor Painting, Salt Lake Art

                    Center, Salt Lake City, Utah


1992           Watercolor USA Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO


1984            Works on Paper         Nelson Atkins Gallery and Art Museum,

                    Kansas City, MO


1984            An Exhibition of Paintings and Watercolors Charles B Goddard

                    Center, Ardmore, OK


1983             Painterly Prints      Douglas Drake Gallery. Kansas City, MO


1983             Contemporary Works by Kansas City Painters  Halls’ Crown  

                     Center , Kansas City, MO


1983             Michael Cadieux and Bill Botzow       Cochise Fine Arts           

                     Gallery, Bisbee, AZ


1982            Invitational Works on Paper   Art Academy of Cincinnati,

                    Cincinnati, OH


1982            Emporia State University National Drawing Invitational

                    Emporia, KS


1982           Bisbee in Silver City  Western New Mexico University,

                    Silver City, New Mexico


1981           The Bisbee Seven The University Club  of Phoenix,

                    Phoenix, AZ


1981           Eight Bisbee Artists   a traveling exhibition, Utah Arts Council,

                   AZ Commission Arts and NEA


1981            Solo Exhibition  Charlotte Crosby Kemper Gallery,

                   Kansas City, MO


1981            Selected Artists  Mulvane Art Center,

                   Topeka, KS


1981            Selected Artists  Spiva Art Center,

                   Joplin, MO


1981           Summer Invitational   Nelson Atkins Gallery,

                   Kansas City, MO


1980           Missouri Works on Paper   a traveling exhibition, Missouri Arts  

                    Council, Mid- America Arts Alliance


1980            Bisbee in Santa Fe    Armory for the Fine Arts, Santa Fe,  NM

                    Santa Fe Commission on the Arts, NEA


1979           Marietta College National Painting Show  Marietta , OH


1978          3rd Annual Fantasy Show  Nebraska Wesleyan University  Elder

                  Gallery,  Lincoln NE


1978          The Pioneer Exhibition  Crown Center Galleries,Douglas Drake 

                   Gallery, Kansas City, Mo, & Eastern Illinois U. Charleston, IL


1975            Thirty Miles of Art   Nelson Atkins Gallery, Kansas City , MO


1974            Davidson National Drawing Exhibition   Davidson , NC



1972            Mid -America Four   Nelson Atkins Gallery, Kansas City , MO


1969            Western States Painting   a traveling exhibition organized by
Western Association of Art Museums, Denver, CO


1968             3rd Southwestern Invitational   Yuma Fine Arts Association

                        Yuma, AZ


1968              18th Tucson Annual,  Tucson Art Museum, Tucson , AZ


1967             2nd Southwestern Invitational   Yuma Fine Arts Association

                        Yuma, AZ - 3rd Prize


1967             Prize Winners       Pomona College Selections, Yuma Fine

                      Arts Association, Yuma, AZ


1967            Solo Show           University of  Maryland at Salisbury,

                     Princess Anne and College Park , MD


1966          Arizona Annual       Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ


1966          5th Scottsdale Annual       Scottsdale, AZ


1966          11th  North Dakota Painting National   University of North 

                  Dakota,  Grand Forks, ND



1966          16th Spokane Pacific Northwest       Cheney Cowles Museum,

                  Spokane, WA


1966          1st Southwestern Ivitational       Yuma Fine Arts Association,

                   Yuma, AZ



1966          Solo  Exhibition Arizona Western College , Yuma AZ



1966          Michael Cadieux, Collages     solo traveling exhibition circulated 

                   by the University of Wisconsin Center System



1964         9th North Dakota Painting National University of North Dakota

                  Grand Forks, ND





Reviews and Publication of Work


New Art Examiner,  Michael Cadieux,  Tilly Woodward,  Sept 1986


Forum Magazine ,     Work over 10 Years  Reflects Shift in Mood  

                                  Barbara Westerfield,  September, 1986


Art in America ,        Impressions of Arizona, John Perrault, April 1986 


Forum Magazine        Summer Invitational, Summer, 1981    


New Times                 The Bisbee Seven get Hung up in Phoenix,

                                     September 1981


Artweek                      Non-figurative Strategies, October 1981


Artspace: A Journal of Contemporary Southwest Art    Bisbee in Santa Fe Spring, 1980


Artspace: A Journal of Contemporary Southwest Art       Michael Cadieux: An interview with John Friedman                  Winter, 1980


Forum Magazine     The Adventurous VS the Burdened ,    May, 1980








 Selected Collections


Amoco Productions Incorporated, Denver CO


Saudi Royal Family, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia


Citicorp Corporation, Chicago, IL


C.P.M Media Management Corporation, Chicago, IL


Cellular business Systems, Chicago, IL


The Kemper Collection, Kansas City MO




 Publications of Critical Writing


Ceramics Monthly  Jim Leedy: The re-Enchantment of Clay,  cover feature  co-authored with Patricia Catto, February 1995


Forum  Animals Become a Means of Transcendence, Spring 1987


Forum, Modernism Shapes Paintings that are Guardians of Content, on

Warren Rosser’s Togu Na Series            March/April 1987


New Art Examiner  Large Scale Works, March 1985


New Art Examiner  Early Paintings by William Christenberry, October 1984


Artspace: A Journal of Southwestern Contemporary Art, The Paintings of Herb Gilbert  Summer 1983


Artspace: A Journal of Southwestern Contemporary Art, Bisbee Biennial Fall, 1982


New Art Examiner    Stephen Gosnell and Michael Shaugnessy ,  May 1982


Ceramics Monthly  Jim Leedy Ceramics, May 1995



New Art Examiner    New Work by Miriam Schapiro,  September 1981


New Art Examiner New Work at the Devoe Gallery,  November 1981