Michael Cadieux
PO Box 1263
Bisbee, Arizona
email: bisbeecadieux@yahoo.com
Poles apart, I'm the color of dying, you're the color of being born. Unless we breath in each other there can be no garden. So, that's why the plants grow and laugh at our eyes, which focus on distance. - Rumi, Quatrain no 921
"I want to thread a connection and weave a narrative through a series of my paintings which help structure both my rage at the disintegration of natural order and my yearning for an emotional spiritual life of primal innocence. Today nature is more like discontinuous fragments jammed between the ever expanding catastrophes of the man made world. Ralph Waldo Emerson believed heaven and earth, man and nature, could be united." Go to the interview
The Color of Being Born contains watercolor paintings and mixed media art by Montana artist Michael Cadieux. Of particular relevance are the artist's controversial Nova Totem paintings that depict an injured planet and emphasize the urgent need for environmental preservation and restoration. The book also contains prose and poetry by prominent writers, artists, scientists, and activists, such as NASA scientist and Battlestar Galactica advisor, Dr. Kevin Grazier; Hugo award-winning artist and writer Ursula Vernon; acclaimed sculptor and architect Martin Huberman; and noted journalist and Vanity Fair editor Alex Shoumatoff; and 11 others generous contributors.
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Depicted: Howl from Nova Totem Series